
Dickens Lost Portrait podcast

If you’re looking for something to listen to during this strange time of lockdown, here’s a link to the podcast I made with Philip Mould, Emma Rutherford and others about the Lost Portrait of Charles Dickens. It’s in 3 episodes. https://browse.entale.co/show/790c94fe-cc89-45b5-90f3-b0defc7c7e24

Top Podcasts of 2019!

So pleased to see that my podcast “The Real Sherlock” made it into this article in Good Housekeeping Magazine: https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/uk/lifestyle/a30194508/best-audible-podcasts/

The Real Sherlock

Audible Original The Real Sherlock, by Lucinda Hawksley

My new podcast, ‘The Real Sherlock’, is available to download from Audible. Discover the man behind the creation of Sherlock Holmes. The life of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was as adventurous and exciting as that of his fictional detective. https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/The-Real-Sherlock-Audiobook/B07NVNMCD9

A free Dickens podcast

Find out more about the Dickens Lost Portrait and its amazing journey in this fascinating three-part podcast (free to download). I’m in episode 3. https://philipmould.com/gallery/edit/charles-dickens-the-lost-portrait-a-podcast