Dickens and Christmas walking tour

Date: 14 December 2023
Time: 5:30 - 7:30pm
Location: Outside Holborn Station, Kingsway exit, London WC2B 6AA
Dickens and Christmas book jacket

We’ll visit London locations that inspired Charles Dickens’s Christmas writing and look at the beautiful sights of London dressed up for the festive season. This year marks 175 years of The Haunted Man – Dickens’s final Christmas book. Come and discover the stories that inspired his festive writing. The walking tour will be led by Dickens’s great great great granddaughter, Lucinda Hawksley, author of Dickens and Christmas and Dickens and Travel.

Lucinda Hawksley (also known as Lucinda Dickens Hawksley) is an author, lecturer and broadcaster. She has written more than 20 books, including three biographies of 19th-century artists – Lizzie Siddal, Kate Perugini (née Dickens) and Princess Louise. She is a patron of the Charles Dickens Museum in London.